Friday, December 12, 2008

WOOT!!! First post!!!

Have you ever had a boyfriend that is mysterious? If you think you have, then you will think yours is an "open book" after you hear about this one! It all starts with Bella Swan. She is a junior in high school and just moved to the little remote town in Washington called Forks from Phoenix, Arizona. On her first day or school, she meets some nice friends, named Jessica, Angela, and Mike, and sees one bizarre family: The Cullen's. Their names are Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. No one knows much about them other than they keep to themselves. They all look like supermodels. The Cullen's "father," Carlisle, is a doctor at the Forks Hospital and their "mother," Esme, is a (as you could say) stay at home mom. What everyone doesn't know, is that the Cullen's are old enough to be everyone's grandparents, or great- grandparents (or in Carlisle's case, great-great-great-great-great-(or something like that) grandfather.) On her own, Bella discovers the secret about the Cullen's past; They are vampires.
Throughout the series, they have to deal with sadistic vampires, an evil family that is thousands of years old, newborn vampires, heartbreak, and surprises around every corner. This [sort of] modern day version of "Romeo & Juliet" makes "Twilight" one of the most popular book series to teens, and even adults, worldwide. These books include Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. This series is not only a hit book series, but also a hit movie series too!

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