Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Non- Series!!!

OK!!! Now the time has come for a single book!!! It just came out in August. I read it before it came out (Cuz I am amazing like that...) It has to do with the "other side!"

Have you ever wanted to contact a family member or anyone who has passed on? Well Miss Cassandra I-Forget-Her-Last-Name, a.k.a Cas, can! Ever since her older sister, Paige, died the night of her prom, that is. No one knows her secret other than Paige and a few other ghosts at her school. They give her all the dirt on all the students and teachers at her school. She enjoys this. Cass knows who is cheating who and who is cheating ON who! She is the most unpopular girl in school, but the most powerful.
Tim is in the IN crowd. Everyone loves him, but gives him a bunch of "I'm sorry" crap just because his mother died of cancer. He would do anything to see her and talk to her again. Even if it means using those spiritual books. When Tim finds out her secret, he almost begs her to help him. Will Cas help him or just totally blow him off? (Yes, i sound just like the descriptions on the back of books...) You will have to read to find out. "Give Up The Ghost" by Megan Crewe is out in stores now!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Getting used to this

Hey! Ya... I haven't done this in a loooooooong time!!! But I am still posting!!!

This next series (do any of you notice that I am posting SERIES, not just single books??) is one of my all time favorites. Who likes spies? I know I do!!! Well, this next kid is hating living every kids dream. His uncle worked at a "bank" in London. He got sent on all these business trips all around the world. Alex Rider saw his uncle rarely. Then, after a tragic car accident that left Ian Rider dead, Ian's boss, Mr. Blunt, confronted Alex about taking over his uncle's job. Alex agreed to join only because if he didn't, his caretaker and best friend, Jack Starbright (and, yes, Jack is a girl) would have to get sent back to America. This fourteen year old kid has witnessed and accomplished things that some people would never imagine doing in their wildest dreams. He has rescued all of England's kids, some rich people's kids, the whole world, was a hired assassin, and even witnessed many deaths. Follow Alex Rider in "Stormbreaker", "Point Blank" (or "Blanc"), "Skeleton Key", "Eagle Strike", "Scorpia", "Ark Angel", and "Snakehead" (all by Anthony Horowitz). You will learn things that you didn't even know could happen...