Sunday, May 16, 2010


Can someone, ANYONE, leave a sign to let me know that people are actually reading this and I'm not just making a fool out of myself?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

You need some luck...

OK!! New book recommendation!!! A good series (what a shocker) that so many people have recommended for me, so I am passing it on.
Well, if you are one if those people who gets completely lost in a book imagines yourself in the book, you better have some good luck! 'Cuz you need, like, a LOT of luck to survive.
If you haven't already guessed, this book is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This series takes place in what used to be the USA and now is called Panam. (I think...) The country is divided into twelve different districts and the Capitol. Seventy- five years before the story begins, District 13 began a rebellion against the Capitol, resulting in the Capitol destroying them. The other districts fought. Since then, the Capitol created the Hunger Games; a time of year when two representatives from each district joins together and battles to the death- literally.
When the story begins, we meet Katniss, a young girl living with her mom and sister in District 12. Katniss joins her friend, Gale, in the woods outside of the district to hunt, even though it is illegal. It's almost time for the reaping to begin. This is when there is a lottery where a girl and a boy (from ages 12- 18) are chosen to be part of the Hunger Games. When the time comes, Prim, Katniss's younger sister is chosen, but Katniss jumps up and takes her sister's place, leaving Prim to survive. The boy from District 12 is Peeta, the baker's son. Together, with their one token from home (Katniss's being a golden mockingjay pin), Katniss and Peeta head to the Capitol. When they get there, they have to train non-stop to have any chance of surviving. But there is a secret plan: it is planned that Katniss and Peeta have to pretend to be in love. Katniss doesn't like this, but at least one of them has to die.
Then, the Games come. Katniss is separated from Peeta and has to try to survive the other twenty- two people who want her dead.
Along the way, Katniss will create allies, discover things she never knew, and fight to the death. Join her on this amazing adventure.
(WARNING: the dialogue in this book is a bit awkward [in my opinion] at first, but you get used to it.)
If you enjoyed the Hunger Games, catch the next book in the series, Catching Fire! The third book, Mockingjay comes out in August of 2010!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sorry guys!!!

Sorry!!! I haven't done this in a while!!! My iPod died, and I couldn't really get on on my main computer!!! But, ya... I have THREE new book series to recommend!!! So I will keep you posted!!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm on a roll!!!

Well, here goes a series (I really gotta stop doing JUST series!) that is different from the books on here up to date. Before I start, I would like to mention something. This series should get an honorable mention from me because when I was in sixth grade, I hated to read. I swear my reading level was around a third grader. But I wanted to see the the movie based on this book. My friend said she would take me only if I read the book. So that started me on my reading adventure. So here we go!

It all starts with a young boy. He is my age, 15. He is a young farm boy who knows nothing about his past, like who his parents are, why didn't they keep him, and what they were like. This boys name is Eragon. He lives with his uncle, Garrow, and cousin, Roran, in the small town of Carvahall in the country of Alagaësia. There is a legend about Alagaësia many years ago: a golden age. The people were free and they were protected by the Dragon Riders. But there was one Rider who wanted power. He gathered thirteen followers called the Forsworn. Together, they brought down and destroyed the Riders. From then on, the leader called himself king and now rules Alagaësia as the last Dragon Rider. His name is Galbatorix. Eragon has heard this story from a mysterious story teller named Brom. He kept saying that the Riders will rise once again and destroy Galbatorix.
One night, Eragon was hunting in the Spine, the deadly mountain range that runs the western coastline of Alagaësia. In this trip, there was an explosion that sent the deer Eragon was hunting running. In the middle of the clearing, there was a smooth, polished blue stone that appeared as if by magic. After a while, the stone started acting strange: it was moving! The stone turned out to be an egg that contained a dragon thay waited for thousands of years waiting for its Rider to show up. Eragon couldn't believe that he was chosen to be a Dragon Rider. When he touched the dragon, something shot through him like an electric shock. It left a shining mark that Eragon would soon know as the gedwëy ignasia of the shining palm.
Eventually, weird things started to occur in Carvahall. People in cloaks showed up looking for the stone Eragon found. These creatures were called Ra'zac. When they got a lead to where it was, Saphira, Eragon's dragon, took Eragon and flew him into the Spine to protect him. When they got back, the farm was burned down and Garrow was left dead. Eragon decided to flee Carvahall and he took Brom with him due to what he knew about dragons. Along the way, Eragon experiences visions about a beautiful woman he has never seen, he learns magic, he meets a stranger who, like him, is against Galbatorix's rule, and learns the truth about Alagaësia's Riders.
Follow Eragon, Saphira, Arya, Murtagh, The Varden (a group of people strong enough to stay out of Galbatorix's rule), and the elves of Du Weldenvarden as they try to overthrow Galbatorix and restore Alagaësia to it's peaceful state. Along the way, Eragon will have to battle through losses, fights with other Riders, find out the truth of his past, and learn the ways of the elves. I reccomend this series to anyone who enjoys books with dragons and magic. Some people might not give it a chance due to that, but come on! Give it a chance! The books in this series include Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr (fire in the Ancient Language), and a fourth book to be announced. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why haven't I thought of this???

I wonder why this took so long for me to post, but I just remembered. This series is one of my all time FAVORITE series of all time. I believe I am speaking for over half the world when I say this, so here we go!!!

What would happen if around your eleventh birthday, you get a mysterious letter addressed to you from a place you only thought existed in your wildest dreams? What would you do if a giant came and told you your fate? Well, this is what happened to Harry Potter. He lives with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. He never knew his parents and he was never told the truth about how they died. On his eleventh birthday, a giant (named Rubius Hagrid) came to Harry and told him that he was a wizard. Harry also learned the truth about his parents; They were murdered by a Dark wizard named Lord Voldemort (or You-Know-Who) and when You-Know-Who tried to kill Harry, he couldn't and he "died." This made Harry the most famous person in the wizarding world. This was a shock to Harry. Harry never had any friends and other non-magic people (or Muggles) thought he was weird. When Harry started at Hogwarts, he met two people, Ron Weasley (who is a pure-blood), the youngest boy of seven children, the youngest being his younger sister, and Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born whose parents are dentists. (Harry is a half-blood, with his mother being Muggle-born and his father being pure-blood) All three of them are in Godric Griffindor's house. He also meets his worst enemy; Draco Malfoy who is a pure-blood and whose whole family (other than his mother's cousin) has been is the worst house ever; The Slytherin house.
In this series of seven books, Harry, Ron, and Hermione play through a giant game of Wizard's Chess, battle a giant snake, learn the truth about a mass murderer who is innocent, fight against Lord Voldemort himself with his band of followers called Death Eaters, and save the wizarding world. I HIGHLY recommend this series to everyone out there. I know people who hate to read, but Harry Potter is the best. These books are one of the world's top selling series ever.
This series includes Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (or Philosopher's in Britain) Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Enjoy reading!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Non- Series!!!

OK!!! Now the time has come for a single book!!! It just came out in August. I read it before it came out (Cuz I am amazing like that...) It has to do with the "other side!"

Have you ever wanted to contact a family member or anyone who has passed on? Well Miss Cassandra I-Forget-Her-Last-Name, a.k.a Cas, can! Ever since her older sister, Paige, died the night of her prom, that is. No one knows her secret other than Paige and a few other ghosts at her school. They give her all the dirt on all the students and teachers at her school. She enjoys this. Cass knows who is cheating who and who is cheating ON who! She is the most unpopular girl in school, but the most powerful.
Tim is in the IN crowd. Everyone loves him, but gives him a bunch of "I'm sorry" crap just because his mother died of cancer. He would do anything to see her and talk to her again. Even if it means using those spiritual books. When Tim finds out her secret, he almost begs her to help him. Will Cas help him or just totally blow him off? (Yes, i sound just like the descriptions on the back of books...) You will have to read to find out. "Give Up The Ghost" by Megan Crewe is out in stores now!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Getting used to this

Hey! Ya... I haven't done this in a loooooooong time!!! But I am still posting!!!

This next series (do any of you notice that I am posting SERIES, not just single books??) is one of my all time favorites. Who likes spies? I know I do!!! Well, this next kid is hating living every kids dream. His uncle worked at a "bank" in London. He got sent on all these business trips all around the world. Alex Rider saw his uncle rarely. Then, after a tragic car accident that left Ian Rider dead, Ian's boss, Mr. Blunt, confronted Alex about taking over his uncle's job. Alex agreed to join only because if he didn't, his caretaker and best friend, Jack Starbright (and, yes, Jack is a girl) would have to get sent back to America. This fourteen year old kid has witnessed and accomplished things that some people would never imagine doing in their wildest dreams. He has rescued all of England's kids, some rich people's kids, the whole world, was a hired assassin, and even witnessed many deaths. Follow Alex Rider in "Stormbreaker", "Point Blank" (or "Blanc"), "Skeleton Key", "Eagle Strike", "Scorpia", "Ark Angel", and "Snakehead" (all by Anthony Horowitz). You will learn things that you didn't even know could happen...